Thursday, August 4, 2011

A bit of random information...

     So, I'm loving this blog thing but I have a teeny problem... I have absolutely nothing to write about! So, nevertheless, I asked Nicole what I should write about and she said, "Write about me!" I thought this would be a joke post but after thinking about it for a moment I realized that if anyone deserved to have a blog written about them it would definitely have to be my 2 best friends in the entireeeee world: Nicole and Hannah <3
     Nicole has been my best friend for soo many years now. I can remember spending every single day of my life with her there for about 2 years! I know absolutely everything about her and I think it's safe to say that I know her better than she knows herself. She is the funniest and most outgoing person I know. She has mad dance skills that can't be matched ;) I love her so much and no matter how many miles away she moves she will always be my sister and other half!!
     Hannah... hmm where to begin...  She is the most caring and honest person I know. However, don't let that fool you because she is a tad bit crazy as well. Her bubbly personality makes her always fun and a joy to be around. She is sooo encouraging and I can't thank her enough for being there for me whenever I need her. She will always be my best friend! 


  1. So I just got tear in my eyes!! I don't know what I would have done not having you and Hannah as my best friends! I love you guys both so much, and thank you for always being there for me! <3 Sisters for life! <3

  2. aw :) for sure... couldn't have made it without you guys! ily!

  3. Y'all...stop it! Mushy gushy ='( I lub you both vewy vewy much. You've both been such good friends to me for so long...true blessings in my life.
