Wednesday, October 26, 2011

     Well, I haven't posted in a while because I think I can speak for every college kid when I say that homework and studying completely consumes my life now! However, this week has been less busy and I don't know what to do with myself with all of this free time so I decided just to blog :) 
     My classes are extremely stressful and sometimes discouraging! I feel completely incompetent in anatomy and physiology and I'll be happy to just pass that class! But, college life is fun and exciting and definitely a journey that I am not used to! Though I love college life, I'm not too sure that I am loving college life where I am and I am strongly considering transferring to a place where I know I will be happy.
     I just attended FFA National Convention last week and I absolutely had a blast! I couldn't have asked for a better Ag Sales team to be stuck with for all that time! lol We didn't do too shabby either, which is always a good thing! The picture below is of our Ag Sales team on our very first trip together to spend the night in a random ag teacher's house the night before our very first competition. Little did we know that we'd be competing at Nationals that following October! :)
     Boy, I miss my friends so much! It's extremely hard being here without a single friend from high school but, I am thankful for all of the new friends I have made! 
     MMMM, forgot to mention that I saw Tyler Ward in concert on October 15th!! :) Oh how I adore him! He sings so well live and I must admit that he is extremely easy on the eyes ;) I got to meet him too so I was ecstatic about that!! He talked to my best friend, Nicole on the telephone and I hugged him, got an autograph, and a picture! The picture messed up when my sister took it, but I'm not complaining because I accidentally had my finger over the lens when I took the picture of her and Tyler. I feel extremely bad about it but I promised I'd make it up to her lol But despite the failed attempt at picture taking, that was probably the best night I have had in a veryyy long time! It was definitely a great concert and a wonderful night spent with my sister! <3

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."   Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Chrysalis and College

I am beginning my second week of college and I must say that I thoroughly enjoy everything about it... except for not being able to see my old friends... but nevertheless, I have made many new friends and they are all wonderful! I couldn't have asked for a better roommate, we get along so well and she's a delight to be around. Classes are going great as well! None of them are too hard.... but Anatomy and Physiology is a constant reminder of how much work I didn't have to do in high school. lol I have to study every night in order to not get behind in my classes but I don't mind. My inner nerd comes out at night when I find myself enjoying my work... :)

This past weekend I went on a Christian Youth Retreat called Chrysalis (Chrysalis is the cocoon stage of metamorphosis). It was FULL of surprises... literally  lol and it was kind of nice not being allowed to have phones or clocks which enabled us to be completely focused on the purpose of why we were there. It was absolutely amazing to see so many people who truly care about you and love you no matter what. When I saw how many people were praying for us young ladies to have a successful weekend, I was completely speechless. Over the weekend I truly strengthened my relationship with God, which I must admit was weakening with my busy schedule the first week of college. However, I've become completely motivated to get myself back into the swing of things with my nightly studies.  My table, which we named the "Pearly Girls" was full of beautiful, inspiring young ladies. I was seated next to my best friend, Olivia, and I even made a friendship that I know will last forever :) It was an emotional and tiring weekend but completely inspiring and life changing! I wouldn't have changed anything at all!    "BELIEVE WITHOUT FEAR!"

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lead Out Loud :)

This past weekend my Ag Sales team and I made a much needed trip to Camp Clements for an event called "Super Saturday". Since we won the state contest, we will be attending Nationals in Indianapolis, Indiana in October. The rules have changed tremendously from state to nationals  so the practice this weekend was extremely helpful. We got to spend the night in the cabins and it felt just like we were at camp again. I met so many new people and saw many faces that I had seen numerous times at various FFA events in the past. It's so amazing to me how many new friends I make at FFA events. Everyone has something in common there so it's easy to talk and keep up conversations and there are never any judgments. I had SO much fun with Scott, Tatum and Mr. Greene and I'm pretty sure the conversations in the van on the way there and back were my favorite part. This weekend made me miss camp and and all the ag trips I have taken in the last four years and its hard to believe that after October, I will never be attending another ag trip...ever! :( It's sad, but I'm happy that I get to go to college knowing that I have so many friendships that I wouldn't have without having been in the National FFA Organization.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A bit of random information...

     So, I'm loving this blog thing but I have a teeny problem... I have absolutely nothing to write about! So, nevertheless, I asked Nicole what I should write about and she said, "Write about me!" I thought this would be a joke post but after thinking about it for a moment I realized that if anyone deserved to have a blog written about them it would definitely have to be my 2 best friends in the entireeeee world: Nicole and Hannah <3
     Nicole has been my best friend for soo many years now. I can remember spending every single day of my life with her there for about 2 years! I know absolutely everything about her and I think it's safe to say that I know her better than she knows herself. She is the funniest and most outgoing person I know. She has mad dance skills that can't be matched ;) I love her so much and no matter how many miles away she moves she will always be my sister and other half!!
     Hannah... hmm where to begin...  She is the most caring and honest person I know. However, don't let that fool you because she is a tad bit crazy as well. Her bubbly personality makes her always fun and a joy to be around. She is sooo encouraging and I can't thank her enough for being there for me whenever I need her. She will always be my best friend! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A New Chapter in life...

     Well, I have been waiting for this day for too long, however, now that it's here.... I'm not at all ready! On August 25th, I will be packing my things and heading off to college!  It's going to be so hard to say goodbye to every single friend of mine as we go our separate ways. I can't even begin to explain how sad I am going to be when I won't have any friends around to talk to. It also doesn't help that I'm extremely shy :( lol Nicole scheduled a photo shoot for all of our friends as a last goodbye. I'm excited to get all of our gang together again to just goof off and be ourselves. I will miss them all dearly! I'll be sad but I also know that this is just a new chapter in life and our paths will cross again in time.