Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A New Chapter in life...

     Well, I have been waiting for this day for too long, however, now that it's here.... I'm not at all ready! On August 25th, I will be packing my things and heading off to college!  It's going to be so hard to say goodbye to every single friend of mine as we go our separate ways. I can't even begin to explain how sad I am going to be when I won't have any friends around to talk to. It also doesn't help that I'm extremely shy :( lol Nicole scheduled a photo shoot for all of our friends as a last goodbye. I'm excited to get all of our gang together again to just goof off and be ourselves. I will miss them all dearly! I'll be sad but I also know that this is just a new chapter in life and our paths will cross again in time.


  1. This will be the most exciting time of your life! Enjoy every day of it and learn from everything and everyone you meet. You can always move to Louisville if things aren't going well :) I love you and I know you will do great! ~Beth

  2. Thank you Aunt Beth! lol and I just may take you up on that offer one day! I CANNOT WAIT to come visit you guys! i <3 Louisville lol and if you have a blog I wanna read it!

  3. Your blog is so cute I just love it!! Can't wait to read more! :D

  4. So apparently you didn't get my first comment. :0) Um, you have 2 followers now. By the way, I'm on Skype with you right now for the first time ever. Nicole is showing me the ropes. On her 'puter. I like thy blog! Can't wait for more, Sis. Ha...yay. :0)

  5. Nicole- Thanks man :) ill write soon....

    Hannah- no, i didnt but atleast i got this one :) and yay i write for a whole 2 PEOPLE!! lol jkjk wow im lameee and yes im aware u r on skype with me lol and yyayyyyy sis!! :) lol
